Teaching and Learning Strategies

The learner’s role is to observe, to listen carefully and ask relevant questions and then to practise the task, always referring back to the demonstration that has been given.

A demonstration is showing someone how to do something. From sports lessons to writing, mathematics, science or creating a blog, you will undertake demonstrations regularly in your teaching and learning. Your students will also demonstrate their skills and knowledge to you in many situations. Skills and knowledge about how to demonstrate are imperative for ensuring successful teaching and learning outcomes for both you and the students.

Another thing to note is that demonstrations may be carried out by people other than the teacher, or by using media to assist with the students’ understanding of different concepts. The strategies of demonstration and application may be used in any curriculum area.

Another thing to note is that demonstrations may be carried out by people other than the teacher, or by using media to assist with the students’ understanding of different concepts. The strategies of demonstration and application may be used in any curriculum area.

The impact of a visual demonstration is very powerful and effective in learning. A teacher needs to be precise in the visual presentation and narration of the demonstrations as the demonstration will become the model the students emulate. If the demonstration is incorrectly or poorly executed, then that model will stay with the students.

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