Masterplans and Strategies
- 2040 and Beyond – Portlaoise
- J17
- Tyrells Masterplan
- Portarlington Town Centre
What’s New
- Portarlington Regeneration Strategy
- Review of the Laois County Development Plan 2021 – 2027
The Planning System
The planning system plays a key role in facilitating delivery of infrastructure programmes and in addressing housing supply requirements. Ireland is also one of few European countries that has an independent third party planning appeals system. It is operated by An Bord Pleanala (Planning Appeals Board). The Planning Department of Laois County Council deals with the planning for the entire county. The Planning Department is divided into three main sections. These are Forward Planning, Control of Development and Enforcement.
- The Forward Planning section deals with the production of the planning policy documents for Laois. The main one is the Laois County Development. There is however a number of Local Area Plans produced also. These set down the local policies for an individual town, village or settlement. Copies of all these documents are available at a small fee from the Planning Counter within Laois County Council Offices and also available for free download on this website. Please note however that the development plans and local area plans are always subject to variations by the elected members and therefore it is advisable to check back regularly for updated plans.
- The Control of Development section deals mainly with the processing of planning applications. This process starts with the validation of the application right up to the issuing of the final grant. This would be the busiest and therefore largest section within the Planning Department.
- The Enforcement section of the planning department deals with complaints regarding alleged Unauthorised Developments ( UD’s ). These UD’s can range from developments without any planning permission granted to non-compliance with planning conditions on a granted development. This section has the power to take individuals to court should it deem it necessary to ensure the proper planning and development of an area – if you wish to notify the Enforcement section of any unauthorised development you can download an unauthorised development form from our Planning Documents & Forms section.
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Useful information
Laois County Council
Áras an Chontae,
JFL Ave.,
Co. Laois
R32 EHP9
(057) 86 64000
Motor Tax/Cash Office
The Motor Tax & Cash Office (Payments Office) public counters opening hours are 9.30am – 1pm, Monday to Friday (excl bank holidays).
Please ensure to have your documents fully completed & appropriate payment as form filling is not permitted in the public area.