Practice Questions and Examination Guides

College Board official Examination Guides (e-guides) contain official CLEP practice questions to help you prepare for your exam.

Y our knowledge of the subject matter will be the foundation of your success, so before taking a CLEP exam, spend time preparing. This will help increase your speed, confidence, and accuracy come test day. CLEP is taking steps toward a more eco-friendly environment with the discontinued sale of the paper copy of the Official CLEP Study Guide. CLEP will continue to provide the resources below.

Get Official Examination Guides

Consider purchasing individual CLEP e-guides which contain practice questions, exam description, information on getting credit for CLEP, and test-taking tips and strategies that are available by subject in separate, downloadable PDFs.

E-guides are available for purchase in the College Board Store, or you can add them to your shopping cart when you register for an exam.

Download the CLEP Examination Guide App

In the following Resources section, you can purchase the Official CLEP Examination Guide App for each exam subject from examIam so you can practice for the exam on your mobile device. The app contains the same information and practice questions found in the e-guides. It also includes diagnostic tools to help you identify your test-taking strengths and weaknesses.

Practice with Sample Questions

Practicing with sample questions is a great way to get a sense of the CLEP exam format and difficulty level before you choose to purchase e-guides. Browse through sample questions in the resources section below or download exam-specific fact sheets with additional sample questions (also available on each exam page). Note: Sample questions don’t explain the correct answers.