Ebony Howard is a certified public accountant and a QuickBooks ProAdvisor tax expert. She has been in the accounting, audit, and tax profession for more than 13 years, working with individuals and a variety of companies in the health care, banking, and accounting industries.
In This Article In This ArticleThe single filing status for tax returns is your default filing status if you're considered unmarried and you don't qualify for any other filing status.
Your filing status determines which standard deduction amount and which tax rates are used when calculating your federal income tax for the year. Single is just one of five filing status options available. Learn how to choose the right one for your situation.
Your marital status is defined by your status on the last day of the tax year—December 31. You would claim the single filing status on your tax return if you're unmarried. This includes:
You are not considered unmarried due to legal separation if you and your spouse only move into separate homes or reach a separation agreement between yourselves. The separation must be made formal by a court order.
Married individuals who file separate returns are subject to the single-filer tax rates and use the standard deduction, but some tax credits and deductions are unavailable to them when they don't file joint returns.
Common-law spouses in the states that recognize this status are considered married for federal tax purposes. They must choose between married-filing-jointly and married-filing-separately tax status.
You can't file a single tax return if you're considered married, even if you and your spouse live in separate households. You might qualify for the head-of-household status, however.
Some partnerships are recognized as such but are not marriages. These include:
If you are in one of these relationships, you are considered unmarried and must file with the IRS as single if you don't qualify for head-of-household status.
Some states require that registered domestic partners and those in civil unions file state tax returns as if they were married. Domestic partners and those in civil unions who reside in community property states may have to allocate income and deductions between each partner.
At the federal level, people in domestic partnerships or civil unions must file their federal tax returns using either the single or head-of-household filing status.
You might qualify for head-of-household filing status if:
If you are in a registered domestic partnership, you cannot claim your partner as a dependent.
Head-of-household status provides for a larger standard deduction and wider tax brackets, at least at low and moderate incomes. The standard deduction for head-of-household taxpayers is $19,400 in 2022, and $20,800 in 2023. That's $6,250 more than the single standard deduction. That's at least $6,000 higher than the single filer's standard deduction in both years.
Individuals who are widows or widowers and who can claim a dependent child might qualify for the qualifying widow/widower filing status as well. This is a special filing status for surviving spouses, and the tax rates and standard deduction are the same as for those who are married filing jointly.
This status is limited to the first two years following the death of a spouse as long as the person does not remarry within the tax year. If you meet the criteria for being a widow or widower, choosing qualifying widow(er) status provides a bigger tax break than filing single.
The table below shows the tax rates in effect for the 2022 tax year for single filers.
2022 Tax Rates for Single Filers | ||
Tax Rate | Income of | Up to |
10% | $0 | $10,275 |
12% | $10,276 | $41,755 |
22% | $41,756 | $89,075 |
24% | $89,076 | $170,050 |
32% | $1170,051 | $215,950 |
35% | $215,951 | $539,900 |
37 % | $539,901 | Any higher amount |
Income is taxed at these rates to the upper limit, and the balance graduates to the next percentage.
For example, if you earn $10,775:
If you earn $80,000:
The standard deduction for a single filer is $12,950 for tax year 2022 and $13,850 in 2023.
In terms of standard deductions, head-of-household status is the best filing status for a single person because it offers the biggest standard deduction. However, the criteria for head of household are more complex than single filing status.
You cannot file single if you're married. It's highly likely that the IRS will view the filing status as an error and ask you to correct the error. If that's the case, your tax liability is likely to change.
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of a car." width="282" height="188" />
any transfer of cash or property in which the donor doesn't receive something of equal value in return. Not all gifts are taxable; example: making a loan to a friend without charging him interest (and then forgiving the loan)"" width="282" height="188" />
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