Take the plunge into the brave new world of intangibles

Whether it’s an algorithm or even an idea, every company has intellectual property. Let’s navigate the waters of international rules on intangibles with ‘Mastering the IP Life Cycle from a Legal, Tax and Accounting Perspective’.

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Tax systems have failed to adapt to technological change. The rising importance of intellectual property means that it is almost impossible to pin down where a multinational really makes money.

The Economist, 11 August 2018

This quote couldn’t have come at a better time, as we’re on the verge of launching the third edition of ‘Mastering the IP Life Cycle from a Legal, Tax and Accounting Perspective’ this autumn. Since the last edition of the book in 2009, business models and technology have evolved drastically.

Accounting standards and tax rules are struggling to keep up with the pace of change. The 2018 edition dives into the brave new world of intangibles and provides guidance on the requirements and challenges that multinational groups may face when addressing intangibles within their organisations.

In this collaboration between PwC and the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD), the authors have tapped into the experience and expertise of the PwC Network Member Firms in no less than 48 countries.